The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections is seeking election officials for the November 5th, 2019 General Election “to help staff the polls, transport ballots and materials, and maintain political balance.”  Available election official positions include Voting Location Manager, Voting Location …

Election Board Seeks Workers for 11/5/19 Election Read more »

Law Library Legal Research Seminars cover Westlaw, Lexis Advance and Bloomberg Law, as well as many topical legal research areas such as administrative law.  Several Seminars emphasize cost-effective research or include a social justice research issue.  Law Library Legal Research …

Law Library Legal Research Seminars – Earn Your Digital Badge! Read more »

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently held a public hearing on cannabis-derived compounds, including cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD).  The hearing was prompted by industry confusion since the passage of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (AIA; Pub. …

FDA Holds Public Hearing & Opens Public Docket on Cannabis-Derived Compounds Read more »

Two Seminars have just been updated on the Law Library’s Legal Research Seminars TWEN course.  The updated “Administrative Law” Seminar reflects changes resulting from the Westlaw Edge platform.  The updated “Cost-Effective Federal Legislative History: and” Seminar reflects changes …

Updated “Administrative Law” & “Federal Legislative History” Seminars Read more »