Amy Burchfield, Access & Faculty Services Librarian | November 05, 2009 – 10:46 Researchers looking to stay up-to-date with the latest books published in their field can turn to the trusty book review, a time-honored method for evaluating, promoting, …

Up-To-Date with Jotwell: The Book Review Meets the Law Review Article Read more »

Sue Altmeyer, Electronic Services Librarian, | October 20, 2009 – 13:14 Law Review and Journal notes as well as upper level writing requirement papers can be enhanced by using materials from other disciplines. Writing a paper about forensics? You …

Need an Article from Another Discipline: Medical, Social Science, Other? Read more »

Sue Altmeyer, Electronic Services Librarian, | September 18, 2009 – 16:17 CSU recently purchased Refworks, an online bibliographic management system that allows you to save the citations you find while researching. Citations can be directly imported from certain databases, …

Refworks: Organize Research and Create Bluebook Compliant Bibliography Read more »