CSU|LAW Scholarship and Digital Collections Surpass 3 Million Downloads
The CSU|LAW portion of EngagedScholarship @ CSU (ES @ CSU), the university’s open access repository since 2012, has surpassed 3,000,000 downloads! Law materials represent nearly half of all CSU’s downloads.
In addition to faculty scholarship and student journals, the repository houses historic school publications such as The Gavel, Law Notes, and law school Bulletins. It also contains special collections such as The Sam Sheppard Case and Terry v. Ohio, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that deemed “stop and frisk” unconstitutional.
If you are affiliated with the university and would like to include your research or other scholarly content, publish an open educational resource, or create a new open access journal, email ES @ CSU administrators at library.es@csuohio.edu.