Law Library Research Seminars on TWEN

Image of C|M|Law Library Digital BadgeC|M|Law students can access Law Library Legal Research Seminars on the Westlaw TWEN platform – simply “Add” the “C|M|Law Library Legal Research Seminars” Course to your TWEN “My Courses” page. The Seminars address the major legal databases, terms and connectors searching, cost-effective searching, Bluebooking, administrative law, Federal legislative history, Federal & Ohio administrative law, tax law, health law/bioethics & scholarly writing, foreign law, HeinOnline resources, and the Scholar catalog. Students interested in earning Seminar points complete the quiz accompanying each Seminar. Points vary per Seminar, and are good for the entire time you are here at C|M|Law. When you earn 100 points, you are awarded a “Law Library Legal Research Letter of Recognition” and a Digital Badge, which you can post to your LinkedIn page.