How is Law School Different from Undergrad?

First years will be told that procrastinating is more difficult to get away with in law school and that more study hours will be required.  The Academic Support Blog feels that first years will better heed these warnings if they understand What makes law school so different for many new law students? Some of the differences include:

  • More active learning is required. Casebooks do not set everything out the way college textbooks do, so more analysis is required.
  • Grades are based on one exam, or for year long courses, one exam and a midterm.  This makes procrastinating and cramming more difficult.
  • Typically there is no right or wrong answer in law, but an “it depends” answer requiring application of the law to a fact pattern.
  • Professors expect  students to learn the basics before they come to class.

If you are a first year and you have questions or need help, contact Daniel Dropko, Manager, Academic Excellence Program, LB 140A,, 216-687-2226.

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