It’s Bar Exam Crunch time! Learn through the wrong answers.

2 new books on the MBE (Multistate Bar Exam) have arrived at the Law Library!

Strategies and tactics for the Finz multistate method (2010), has brand new, never before seen questions, that will help you with the bar exam or any law school exam! There are 140 questions on each of the major first year subjects: Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Property, and Torts, as well as questions on the upper-year subject of Evidence.  It explains the reasoning behind the correct choice and why the other choices are incorrect.


MBE: beginning your campaign to pass the bar exam (2011), by Keith Elkin, analogizes studying for the bar exam to running for president.  It also provides drills designed to systematically improve test-taking skills, and also has a chapter on learning through the wrong answers.  The books purpose is to get you started, but it is helpful even at “crunch time”. Click here for a sample chapter.


Both books are now available for check out in Room A066 of the Law Library