WestlawNext Printing Now Available!

WestlawNext LogoPrinting from WestlawNext to the student Westlaw printer in the Law Library computer lab is now operational.  However, WestlawNext is still working on this printing capability, and its features are continuing to be developed.
Most importantly, you should note that the WestlawNext printing default is to simply print all pages of all retrieved items, or a list of citations.  If you only want pages upon which your search term(s) appear, or include KeyCite information, you need to pre-set these options in the WestlawNext Preferences before printing.  Then, to print all pages or a citation list, or not include KeyCite information, you again need to pre-set these options in the WestlawNext Preferences before printing.  In addition, there is currently no option to only print first pages.
FYI, the WestlawNext Preferences link is at the extreme left of the WestlawNext bottom navigation menu.  Once connected, select the Delivery tab.
We’ll keep you updated about WestlawNext Printing as it continues to develop.