Space Law Research Guide
If you are taking the Space Law class, or just have an interest in the topic, take a look at the library’s Space Law Research Guide. You will find: A non-exhaustive list of books in our library, plus hints for …
If you are taking the Space Law class, or just have an interest in the topic, take a look at the library’s Space Law Research Guide. You will find: A non-exhaustive list of books in our library, plus hints for …
The United States Code has had 50 titles since 1926. Each title deals with a different subject matter, and as laws are passed by Congress, the various parts of the law are rearranged and placed into their proper location in …
Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, Added to U.S. Code Read more »
Eighteen months from now, space tourists may be taking a two hour suborbital trip for $200,000 a person on a Virgin Galactic, LLC rocket. They will travel 62 miles above the earth, experience weightless for some minutes, and then return to earth. See Space Tourism …