The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy recently proposed amendments to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) regulations concerning the “manner of issuance of a prescription,” “information required for submission,” and “electronic format required for the transmission of dispensing information.”  The proposed …

Proposed Ohio Regulations On Controlled Substance Prescriptions Read more »

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a proposed rule (82 Fed. Reg. 35270, 7/28/17) that includes significant cuts to calendar year 2018 payment rates and the wage index for home health agencies serving Medicare beneficiaries, as …

CMS Proposes Significant Cuts for Home Health in 2018 & 2019 Read more »

The State of Ohio Medicaid Expansion remains intact.  On 6/30/17, Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) line-item vetoed numerous items in Amended Substitute House Bill 49, the 2018-19 state operating budget.  Item 16 was the “health care compact” provision that would …

Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion Program Survives Veto Override Threat Read more »