Law Library & IT Orientation Begins Monday August 8

The Information Technology department and law library have required orientation materials available on a drop-in basis from Monday August 8 through Friday August 19.

How it works:

  • Come by the research services office (Room 112) across from the circulation desk during reference hours.
  • You will meet and talk with one of our librarians, who will give you an orientation worksheet and IT information for your law school computer accounts. The orientation takes 30 minutes approximately and will help you get orientated to the law library and IT services.
  • Upon completion of the orientation, give your results to a librarian in Room 112, at which point you will be given registration information for Lexis, Westlaw, CALI, and Scholar along with information on our legal research seminars and digital badge program.
  • All students who complete their Lexis and Westlaw registrations and show a librarian they can successfully log in will receive a choice of a cool prize.