More Online Study Aids Available Just in Time for Finals

Hopefully, you are already familiar with our online study aids from West Academic.  In addition to those, we are happy to announce a lot more offerings are now available from Aspen Publishing.  Series include: Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guides, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTime, and more.  There are more than 200 titles plus video and audio lectures, covering 30 topics in our subscription.

How to access:

  1. Go to (link also available from “law databases” on the law library’s homepage).
  2. If you aren’t already logged on to the C|M|LAW network, you should be prompted to log into the law school proxy server. Students use your 7-digit CSU ID number and the password that you use to log into the computer lab. Faculty and staff use your 7 digit CSU ID and the password you use to access your office computer.
  3. After entering your C|M|LAW credentials, you will be taken to the Aspen Learning Library site. It should say “You are logged into Cleveland Marshall Law” on the top of the webpage.
  4. You can browse all the books in the collection as a guest.

Create an Aspen Learning Library Account

Personalize your experience by creating an Aspen Learning Library account. Creating an Aspen account allows you to add bookmarks, notes, highlights, custom shelves, and favorites.

  1. Under ‘Don’t have a personal account?” click on Register and follow the prompts. You must use your Law email account. Click just to the left of the CAPTCHA text to enter it.
  2. Aspen should send you a verification email (it may go into your junk folder so be sure to check there.) If you don’t receive an email, contact Beth Farrell at and/or Amy Burchfield at
  3. Once your account is properly set-up, you can login independently from the law school’s network.

As a reminder, there are hard copies of study aids in A066 and flashcards available for checkout.