Finding a Judge’s Opinions With the Context Feature in Lexis+

With the recent passing of Justice Ginsburg, we thought we’d offer a tip for those interested in reading her opinions. Today we look at Lexis+’s Context feature, which uses language analytics to find the most relevant information. Context is particularly helpful for information on judges.

To find information and decisions on Justice Ginsburg, log in to Lexis+. At the top left of the screen is a block or grid made up of 9 dots, which is the product switcher—click on it and choose Context.

Once in Context, type “Ruth Bader Ginsburg” in the search box.

  • The Overview displays Justice Ginsburg’s judicial and other experience and education, a breakdown of the opinions she wrote by area of law, a graph showing the amount of opinions she wrote per year, and a list of all of the documents she either authored or participated in writing, including opinions, her dockets, news articles about her, and more.
  • The next tab is for Justice Ginsburg’s Analytics. There is no motion information (because she was a justice), but there is great information if you click on “Citation Patterns,” where you will find the opinions she most frequently cited—and specifically the parts of each case that she cited.
  • The next tab is Documents, which displays all of the documents and other sources related to Justice Ginsburg. This section is completely searchable so you can find exactly what you want. For example, to see all the opinions (including dissenting opinions) that Justice Ginsburg wrote, click on “Search Within Results” and type “writtenby (Ginsburg)” in the box and click Search. 

If you have any questions, reach out to your librarians, our Lexis rep Jenn Durkin, or Lexis’ 24/7 customer support.