Money in Politics Events Coming to C|M|Law

lessig_200On Wednesday April 15th the event is a screening of the documentary “Pay 2 Play”. The screening begins at 5pm in the Moot Court Room. Film maker John Ennis follows the corruption of our democracy via money in politics and what we the people can do to take our democracy back. Featured in the documentary are interviews with Lawrence Lessig, Robert Reich, Noma Chomsky, John Nichols, Van Jones, Marianne Williamson, Jack Abramoff, Marge Baker and many more.

On Friday April 17th at 5pm in the Moot Court Room, Lawrence Lessig will give a talk titled “Why Money (In Politics) Matters” 1 Free CLE Credit for Ohio is pending approval for this event. Professor Lessig is the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School, and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University.

A lawyer and activist, Lessig spent a decade arguing for sensible intellectual property law, updated for the digital age. He was a founding board member of Creative Commons, an organization that builds better copyright practices through principles established first by the open-source software community.

Lessig has shifted focus to American politics and in 2011, founded Rootstrikers, an organization dedicated to changing the influence of money in Congress. In his latest book, Republic, Lost, Lessig focuses on how far the U.S. has spun off course — and how citizens can regain control.