The Ins and Outs of Being an Adjunct Professor

A recent article in the New York State Bar Association Journal gives a nice overview of what being an adjunct professor at a law school entails. The authors discuss some of the benefits of adjunct work – marketing your practice and expertise, satisfaction of student interactions, and enhancing your credentials and reputation. The article is also quite practical, walking through the ins and outs of the application process, course approval process, grading, and actual teaching techniques. The authors point out the value of working with law librarians in setting up course pages and reserve materials, and for help working with educational technology.

Whether you’re already in practice, or are planning your career strategy for after graduation, working as an adjunct professor is something worth considering.

See Catherine A. Lemmer & Michael J. Robak, So, You Want to Be an Adjunct Law Professor? 86 N.Y. St. B.A. J. 11 (2014).