Looking For the Right Study Aid?

CALI Lessons is a popular and widely used learning tool. CALI Lesson ScreenshotThey are computer-based, interactive tutorials that cover narrow topics of law.

Browse the  library of over 800 CALI Lessons.

Looking for the CALI Lesson that perfectly complements what you are learning at C|M|Law School? CALI Lessons might be the answer:

  • Lessons by casebook. Find your casebook, if available. Click and you’ll see CALI Lessons that complement the content of specific pages in the book.
  • Lessons by subject outlines. These are general subject outlines keyed to CALI Lessons. Want to learn about intent for Torts class, perhaps? Go to our Torts outline and click “Intentional Torts Against the Person.”
  • CALI Lessons work on tablets and smartphones like iPads, iPhones, Droid Phones, and your computer. 
  • Log in to cali.org and click “My Lesson Runs” in the right menu. We’ll automatically save to your account all of your past lesson run data starting in August 2011.

CALI promises more features.  Here’s a live recorded webcast where the people at CALI  cover what’s changing, discuss their expected timeline for implementation, and answer your questions.

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