Constitutional Cases to be Decided by the Supreme Court

Sue Altmeyer, Electronic Services Librarian, | September 17, 2008 – 06:21

constitutionIn honor of Constitution Day, here some constitutional law cases to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court (Cases where certiorari has been granted can be easily located by logging on to U.S. Law Week , clicking on “Supreme Court Today” and selecting “Cases Granted Review”)

First Amendment:
Pleasant Grove City, Utah v. Summum , Docket No. 07-665, Whether city’s refusal to allow erection of religious monument offered by Summum religion, containing Seven Aphorisms of Summum in a public park was a First Amendment violation when city allowed a Ten Commandments monument in the park, which was a gift from a private donor?

Ysursa v. Pocatello Education Ass’n Docket No. 07-869 – Does the First Amendment prohibit a state legislature from removing authority of state political subdivisions to make payroll deductions for political activities under statute that is concededly valid as applied to state government employers?

Locke v. Karass Docket No. 07-610, May state, consistent with First and 14th Amendments, condition continued public employment on payment of agency fees for purposes of financing monopoly bargaining agent’s affiliates’ litigation outside of non-union employee’s bargaining unit?

Supremacy Clause:
Haywood v. Drown, Docket No. 07-10374, May state’s withdrawal of jurisdiction over certain damages claims against state corrections employees–from state courts of general jurisdiction–be constitutionally applied to exclude federal claims under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, especially when, as here, state legislature withdrew jurisdiction because it concluded that permitting such lawsuits is bad policy?

Fourth Amendment:
Arizona v. Johnson , Docket No. 07-1122; Pearson v. Callahan, Docket No. 07-751; Arizona v. Gant Docket No. 07-542, Herring v. United States, Docket No. 07-513.

I did a similar post for Constitution Day last year. All of the cases from last year’s post have been decided.