Westlaw KeyRules: Find Rules that Apply to Your Motion

Sue Altmeyer, Electronic Services Librarian, sue.altmeyer@law.csuohio.edu | March 13, 2008 – 15:37

If you are filing an unfamiliar type of motion, or you are filing in a different jurisdiction, you may not be aware of all the procedural rules that apply. Westlaw KeyRules is a new database that lists the applicable rules for particular pleadings and motions in a given jurisdiction. See West Elert: KeyRules Both federal or state and local rules are listed. The database is also handy for a comparative study of court rules, as multiple jurisdictions can be searched at once.

Try it by going to the KEYRULES-ALL database, and click on Available Jurisdictions. Note that Ohio federal district courts and state common pleas courts for the larger Ohio counties are available. Select a jurisdiction, select a type of motion or pleading, and run the search.

Keyrules can be accessed under the Litigation tab, or by looking in the Directory under litigation. Thanks to Amy Wright of ZiefBrief., who astutely points out that KeyRules is the product of human editors, so you should double-check to be sure you are looking at all necessary rules.