Enter the Library’s Halloween Contest for a $50 Playhouse Square Gift Card

blackcatThe Law Library is pleased to invite you to enter our October research contest.  The contest is open to all C|M|Law students including MLS and LLM students.

This contest is appropriately Halloween themed.  To enter simply correctly answer the 5 spooky questions below and e-mail your answers to Brian Cassidy, Student Services Librarian at b.e.cassidy@csuohio.edu.  The deadline to enter is November 5th at 11:59 pm.  Winners announced November 6th via e-mail and the library’s Facebook and Twitter pages.


Here are the questions (don’t be scared):

  1. Find the ALR 4th annotation citation dealing with the validity of state laws prohibiting being in public while wearing a mask.
  2. Find the ALR (1st) annotation dealing with the use of the mail for superstitious activities.
  3. Give the citation from the Cleveland State Law Review titled: “Ghosts from the Grave”
  4. Give the citation of the Ohio Supreme court case that mentions black cats.
  5. Finally, basements can be dark, scary places but not the library’s basement. Name the 2 study rooms in the base level of the library set up for collaboration AND recording.