Tropical Party and Contest Winners

It was with great pleasure that the Cleveland-Marshall Law Library hosted a Tropical Party to welcome back our students starting the Spring semester yesterday. Pizza, and drinks were available to students as well as some great giveaways from Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law and a few contests.

The IT department had a drawing for a $10 gift card from Starbucks. Nicole Rode was the winner. The library also had a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card and three copies of Anton Scalia’s Reading Law. The contestants had to answer 5 questions about the library to be in the contest. The questions with answers are:

  1. What are the two rooms in the library where you can videotape yourself to practice interviews and arguments? A: B09, and B10
  2. What is the name of the library sponsored program in which you receive a certificate for completing seminars? A: Research Certificates
  3. What is the name of the room where we keep materials from this state? A: Ohio Room
  4. What room in the library is a great place to find study aids? A: A066
  5. True or False Study Rooms are for student use only.   A: True