Lexis v. Westlaw, LexisAdvance v. WestlawNext

The library’s Lexis and Westlaw Feature’s Compared Guide has been updated.    It now includes a separate page, Shepards and Keycite Compared, which includes comments about Shepards on LexisAdvance and Keycite on WestlawNext.  There is also a LexisAdvance and WestlawNext Features Compared page, which is necessarily a work in progress because LexisAdvance Beta for Law Schools is still in its early stages.   We will try to update this guide as we are informed of changes to LexisAdvance Beta for Law Schools.

Lexis aims to provide C|M|LAW students with access to LexisAdvance sometime Spring Semester 2012.

If you have any additions or corrections to the guide, please leave a comment or email Sue Altmeyer, sue.altmeyer@law.csuohio.edu.

Photo by Pfc. Melissa A. Latty, http://www.marines.mil/units/marforcom/iimef/2ndmlg/PublishingImages/080830-7097L-M-003.JPG