Hospitals are concerned that the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Incentive Auction of much of the unused television airwaves (aka “white space”) to mobile carriers will lead to the disruption of patient monitoring systems. Unlicensed communications devices (eg, garage door …

Concern FCC Spectrum Auction May Cause Patient Monitoring System Disruption Read more »

Back in 1997, Merrick Garland, President Obama’s current nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, was a high-ranking official in the Justice Department who was providing legal oversight and supervision for the prosecution of the Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. At that …

Former Cleveland-Marshall Dean had Connections to Current Supreme Court Nominee Read more »

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released draft guidance that “recommends studies, including comparative in vitro studies, which should be conducted to demonstrate that a proposed generic solid oral opioid drug product is no less abuse-deterrent than its …

FDA Guidance on Generic Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Medications Read more »