Heidi Gorovitz Robertson, C|M|LAW’s Steven W. Percy Distinguished Professor of Law and a dual appointee at the Levin College, recently returned from the International Academic Association of Planning, Law, and Property Rights Annual Meeting, held this year at the University of …

Professor Robertson Presents at Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia Read more »

Professor and Associate Dean Milena Sterio participated in the American Society of International Law International Courts and Tribunals Annual Workshop on February 9; the Workshop was held was the John Marshall School of Law in Chicago.  Professor Sterio presented her …

Professor Sterio Presents at Workshop; Participates in “Sound of Ideas” WCPN/90.3 Morning Show Read more »

Chris Sagers, the James A. Thomas Professor of Law, recently spoke with both the Wall Street Journal  and New York Times columnist James Stewart for his “Common Sense” column, about the deal announced in which the Disney organization proposes to …

Sagers Quoted in New York Times and Wall Street Journal on Fox-Disney Merger Read more »

Professor and Associate Dean Milena Sterio will contribute a chapter to The Routledge Handbook on State Recognition. Professor Sterio’s chapter will be entitled “Power Politics and State Recognition.” The Handbook will be jointly edited by Dr Gëzim Visoka (Dublin City …

Professor Sterio to Contribute Chapter on State Recognition to The Routledge Handbook on State Recognition Read more »