Professor Jonathan Witmer-Rich was a guest on WCPN’s The Sound of Ideas, discussing the 50th anniversary of Terry v. Ohio and its impact on policing throughout the country. He also discussed the recent controversial practice by the Trump administration of …

Professor Witmer-Rich Participates as Guest in The Sound of Ideas Radio Show on 90.3/WCPN Read more »

Professor and Associate Dean Milena Sterio signed a contract with e-Langdell/CALI to write a casebook in International Law. The casebook will be available, in an electronic format, to all students for free. The expected date of publication is 2020. In …

Professor Sterio to Publish Casebook in International Law; Participates in WCPN/90.3 “Talking Foreign Policy” Show Read more »

Professor Jonathan Witmer-Rich’s article, “The Heat of Passion and Blameworthy Reasons to be Angry,” (55 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 409 (2018)) has been published in the American Criminal Law Review, the nation’s leading criminal law journal.  The article resolves a …

Professor Witmer-Rich Publishes Article in American Criminal Law Review Read more »

Professor Brian Ray presented a White Paper on Privilege and Work Product Protection at the Sedona Conference Working Group 11 Annual Meeting.   In addition, Professor Ray was interviewed by Channel 5 news on Russian social media manipulation.   Finally, Professor …

Professor Ray Presents at Sedona Conference; Is Interviewed by Channel 5 News; Co-Organizes Cleveland Site of Global Legal Hackathon Read more »