Professor Deborah Geier has published an updated 2017 edition of her textbook, U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals. The updated version can be downloaded from CALI here. The new edition contains updates due to changes in the law; additionally, significant …

Professor Geier Publishes Updated Version of Textbook on Federal Income Taxation Read more »

Professor Candice Hoke, Co-Director of the Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, recently spoke to the media about election security measures. During a December 5th press conference regarding calls for an election recount in Pennsylvania, …

Professor Hoke Speaks About Election Security Measures Read more »

Professor Mark Sundahl has been appointed to the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group. The Working Group was created by the International Institute of Air and Space Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands to address the legal issues related to mining …

Professor Sundahl Appointed to Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group Read more »

Professor Candice Hoke published an article entitled “Election integrity: Missing components to remedy” in The Hill’s Congress Blog.  In the article, she suggests various methods to preserve the integrity of elections, such as IT audits/ security assessments, DOJ election observers, …

Professor Hoke Publishes Article on Election Integrity Read more »