Law School Clinics Under Fire

In case you missed the article in Sunday’s Plain Dealer, law school clinics are under fire as they take on powerful  interests.   For example, University of Maryland’s Environmental Law Clinic filed suit against Perdue, Inc..  The state  legislature responded by considering a bill which would cut money for University of Maryland’s law clinic if it does not provide information to the legislature on its clients, finances and cases.  Some representatives are questioning whether law school clinic should be taking sides on controversial issues, when they are funded with taxpayer money.  Additionally, the law clinic sued family farmers, as well as Perdue, and these farmers may not be able to survive a costly lawsuit. However, the House passed an amendment to  H.B. 150 , its version of the budget bill, which requires the disclosures but would not cut funding.   The Senate’s version, which still contains monetary restrictions, must be reconciled with the House version by a conference committee.  See University of Maryland’s Environmental Law Clinic page.

In Louisiana, SB 549 would require an exemption from the Legislature in order for a law school clinic to sue any person or entity for damages.    The article states that this is a response to litigation filed by Tulane’s law school clinic against federal and state environmental regulators.