Comment 8 Retro Edition: Take a Look. It’s in a Book. Statutes of Limitations.

I have been working as a law librarian for almost two years now, and one of the most common questions I get from both students and the public are questions about statues of limitations. It’s easy to get caught flat-footed on this question because it should be an easy find and it isn’t always. This is where I fall back to research guides. Specifically, one of our guides led me to a book (You remember those, right?) with a well-organized chart of statutes of limitations for the state of Ohio. This handy chart is located in the LexisNexis Ohio Code Handbook Series: Ohio Annotated Civil Laws and Rules Handbook Vol.2 on page 1039. The information itself was compiled from Page’s Ohio Revised Code Annotated and the chart provides the section numbers to locate them in the ORC.

Did you know that the statute of limitations for slander in Ohio is one year? I didn’t. Did you know that this information is located in ORC 2305.11? I also didn’t know that. When it comes to legal research, because there is just so much to go through, just remember that you may save some time by utilizing old (but still very good) technology like indexes, charts, reference guides, and even books.

If you’re at the CSU|LAW Library and want to check out this little gem yourself, it’s located in our Ohio Room and the call number is KFO 530.A85.