Search “Law Library Mental Health and Wellness Collection” for All Our Wellness Titles

We’ve developed a great collection of mental health and wellness books – both in print and ebook – that can give you a little comfort and inspiration throughout law school. If you’ve been back to the Ohio Room, you’ve seen the print book display, and you’re welcome to check any of them out.

If you’d like to see all of the books in the collection, including our ebooks, the easiest way is to do a title search in Scholar, the library catalog, for “Law Library Mental Health and Wellness Collection”. This brings up all of the books in the collection. You’ll find titles that are specific to the law student experience (like Happy Lawyer: The Art of Having It All Without Losing Your Mind) as well as general wellness titles (like The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World).

You can find more wellness resource on our guide: Mental Health and Well-Being – Resources for Law Students.