Hobbies in Law School

knittingFinding the free time to pursue hobbies while in law school might seem like an impossible or even inadvisable task. But hobbies can be a great source of stress relief and even a buffer against anxiety and depression. In a recent article in the Journal of Legal Education, Susan Greene writes about the benefits of knitting, even comparing the planning and organization required to start a knitting project with planning and writing a memo. She also encourages law faculty to share their hobbies with their students.

Whether you’re into knitting, baking, pick-up basketball, or something else, you can probably enhance your wellness in law school with a fun hobby that takes your mind off outlining.

See  Susan Greene, Knitting 101: Why Law Professors Should Share Their Hobbies with Their Students (July 1, 2019). Journal of Legal Education, 2019, available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3640807