Tech News: More on AI in Legal Research
Casetext, a free online legal research platform known for its subscription-based artificial intelligence (A.I.) research tool called CARA, has launched an updated and enhanced version. The updated version, known as CARA A.I., does not just analyze citations anymore. It is now a robust legal research engine. New features include seamless integration of CARA A.I. with Casetext research. Additionally, users can upload litigation documents containing no citations to CARA A.I., and the program will analyze the documents and generate a list of authority based on the issues, facts, and jurisdiction present.
For more about AI in legal research, Thomson Reuters has this breakdown, and has teamed up with Above the Law to produce Law2020, a series on AI in the legal field.
Machine Learning and AI have many applications beyond the law. For a humorous take, check out SkyKnit and the full archive.