New (Old) Research Guides Being Added

We are in the process of adding some new entries to the research guides that are part of the library’s collection. Some guides will be updated, which should be completed by the end of the year. Take a look at the new additions and/or some of the other guides!

Research Guides are a great place to start your research:

  • Research guides can help you locate authoritative secondary sources, like leading treatises on a topic. A good treatise can save you lots of research time.
  • Research guides point you to databases beyond Lexis and Westlaw. If you stop your research with those two databases, you may miss something.
  • If you’re writing a seminar paper or journal note, use research guides to find current awareness sources like blogs and other websites, which can help when choosing a topic to write about.
  • If you’re studying for exams, research guides let you know what study aids are available in the library.
  • Research guides are free! And you can use them when you’re out in practice.

As always, your librarians are available to help out too!