Need Help With Electronic Legal Research? There’s a Video for That

If you’re new to doing electronic legal research on WestlawNext, Lexis Advance, or Bloomberg Law, or you just need a refresher there are great videos tutorials available.

For WestlawNext, check out the Westlaw Insider YouTube channel [here].  You’ll want to scroll down to the WestlawNext Research Tips section.  Additional guides and training tutorials are available on Westlaw’s law school page [here].

Lexis Advance has a great YouTube channel which can be accessed [here].  Users can also get videos and other research help on Lexis’ Support page [here].

For Bloomberg  Law you can find great resources once signed in under the Law School Success section [here].  In the Law School Success section there will be video tutorials and other helpful research tips under both First Year Resources and Upper Level Resources.

For additional assistance with any of these products don’t forget you always have your friendly and helpful librarians!

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