Call for Papers: Disability, Law and Public Policy and the Web

The peer-reviewed journal Behavioral Sciences & the Law is seeking submissions for a special issue on Disability, Law and Public Policy and the World Wide Web.  From the posting: “The Web has fundamentally changed the way we participate politically, socially and culturally within a complex network of dispersed communities. Although there is a substantial literature on the web and related law and public policy, fewer articles have examined the implications of the web for persons with disabilities and over the life course. Moreover, there is an ongoing debate in academic, legal, and policy circles about the reach and breadth of web accessibility technical standards and performance criteria, and their application under national laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, and international conventions such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.” The journal is seeking conceptual, legal, and empirical papers on disability, law and public policy, and the Web. The submission deadline is September 1, 2013. Full posting information is available from Research Raven and Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University.