You Have a Citation, But Need a Periodical
What does a researcher do when they have a periodical citation, but need a digital copy of the article. Just go to Cleveland State University Libraries Journal Finder.
Journal Finder is more than a list of journal titles, it connects researchers to both CSU and C|M|Law Libraries hundreds of database to locate the needed journal, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, or newsletters.
Let’s say you are looking for a digital copy of the following article: Keith Aoki, Cities in (White) Flight: Space, Difference and Complexity in Latcrit Theory, 52 Clev. St. L. Rev. 211 (2004-2005).
All you need to do is follow these 5 steps:
- Go to C|M|Law Library’s Home Page
- Click Law Databases
- Click “J” for Journal Finder or scroll to “Journal Finder”
- Type in the name of the periodical, i.e. Cleveland State Law Review
- Click “Search” button, then select any of the listed results