Renovation Briefly Disrupts Service to Lexis & Westlaw Printers

While you are on Summer Break, the C|M|LawLibrary is undergoing renovation.  New carpeting is being installed.  This has caused disruption to our ComLexis and Westlaw Printersputer Labs (LL125 & LL126).  We have dismantling all the computers and printers in these Computer Labs.

For C|M|Law students, this means the Lexis  Westlaw Printers will be off-line from Monday, July 16th through Monday, July 23rd.  C|M|Law Library apologizes for this brief disruption and looks forward the fresh new look computer labs just in time for Fall Semester.

Alternatives to using Lexis or Westlaw Printers:

1. Print to the student printers in LL121

2. Print to your personal printer

3. Email the document to yourself

4. Download the document to you personal computer and USB drive.

Electonic Services Librarian