Law Library carpet replacement 7/16-7/20
The Law Library is having much of the carpet on the main floor replaced and some renovation work done on the library student lounge during the week of July 16-20. We will remain open but there are some things you should keep in mind next week.
We recommend studying on the north end of the Basement, Atrium or 2nd levels to be as far away from the work as possible. We will also have disposable ear plugs available at the Circulation Desk if you would like to use them.
The law student computer lab will need to be dismantled but two computers and a printer will be available for student use in LL 121 during this time. Once the lab is carpeted, 35 new computers will be installed in the lab.
The three public access computers will be unavailable during this time.
Library staff will be providing Reference and Circulation assistance during this time – please go to the desk and ask for assistance.
We appreciate your patience during this process and hope these improvements will make the Law Library and the student lounge a nicer place for you to work and study.