Proposed Regulation of Men’s Sexual Health

image of male doctor & male patientOhio State Senator Nina Turner recently introduced SB307 that would “require physicians to take certain actions before and after issuing prescriptions for drugs intended to treat symptoms of erectile dysfunction.”  The required actions include obtaining a notarized affidavit from at least one of the patient’s sexual partners certifying that the patient has erectile dysfunction, referring the patient to a sex therapist to determine whether the erectile dysfunction is based upon a psychological condition, conducting a stress test to verify that the patient’s cardiac health is compatible with sexual activity, notifying the patient in writing of the potential risks of taking drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, and affirming that the drug being prescribed is necessary to treat the patient’s erectile dysfunction.  In addition, the patient would be required to have a stress test every 90 days, to ensure cardiac health compatibility, as well as attend counseling sessions on the potential risks of taking drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, nonpharmaceutical treatments for erectile dysfunction, and celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.  Senator Charleta B. Tavares has signed on as a co-sponsor of the bill, but it has not yet been referred to a committee.