Ohio Bill Introduced Post Zanesville Exotic Animal Incident

Earlier this month, Zanesville, Ohio made the national and international press with the news of the local man who freed his collection of dangerous animals from their cages prior to committing suicide. Authorities killed 49 of the approximately 56 exotic animals that escaped.

On October 21, the Ohio General Assembly introduced HB352 [full text from Ohio Capitol Connection] that would address the possession of dangerous exotic animals. The bill would prohibit future acquisitions of dangerous exotic animals and would require the current owners of such animals to register them. The bill covers animals such as cats larger than house cats, nonhuman primates, alligators and crocodiles, and constricting or venomous snakes.

The Human Society of the United States has posted this map showing state exotic animal laws. Currently, fewer than 20 states ban most exotic animals as pets. Ohio is among the 7 states with no laws regulating the possession of dangerous exotic animals.