WestlawNext Command Searching

These commands were new to me, so I thought I would share them on the blog.  DO NOT type parenthesis or any type of brackets when you use these. Also most of these require a colon : after the operator – do not forget the colon.

Keycite command keycite 39 ohio st.3d 1kc 39 ohio st.3d 1

keycite: 39 ohio st.3d 1

kc: 39 ohio st.3d 1

Pulls up keycite for the citation.
Find Find: 39 harv. lr 1 

Fi: 39 harv. lr 1

Use when you are uncertain of the citation format and want to prevent a search from running if the citation is not valid.
Database indentifier OHPRAC-OEA:  infliction of
emotional distress 

OH-ST-ANN: ti,pr(misdemeanor
and sentencing)

Search in a particular
database.  Overrides the
jurisdiction you selected.
Publication name ohio administrative code:
workers compensation dispute and self- insured claim 


baldwin’s ohio practice-
merrick-rippner probate law:
codicil and after-acquired

Sometimes must type in the exact title, see merrick rippner example to the left. 

Overrides the jurisdiction you selected.

Topic Criminal law: conversion and
Enter the name of any topic available in WestlawNext on the Topics tab, followed by a colon and your search terms.
Advanced Advanced:  conversion and

Adv: Conversion and elements


To indicate a Boolean searchIf you do searches with and, or, quotes “” but no other operators (such as /s,/p, /2), you must use the Advanced command to get a strict Boolean search.