Roni Deutch is the “Tax Lady” No Longer

All of us at some point have probably seen one of Roni Deutch’s commercials and know her slogan “Do Not Be Another IRS Victim.” This is probably because the California tax attorney spent approximately $ 3 million a year on advertising. In August the Attorney General of California, Kamala D. Harris, uncovered that Deutch does not actually want to save people from becoming victims, but is instead a “predator for profit.” It is thought that Deutch’s law firm cheated its clients out of $34 million. To cover up her inequities, Deutch shredded millions of legal documents, which has made prosecuting her difficult. In response to the Attorney General’s lawsuit as well as personal and company debt, Deutch closed her law firm in May and claims that she will surrender her law license. A hearing is scheduled for July 22 to further resolve the case.

Maybe this will teach people to think twice before trusting television advertisements again.

Go to the Tax Prof Blog or The Sacramento Bee for more information.

Post submitted by Meredith Hale.