Remember When: The Last Two Times the RNC was in Cleveland

elephantWith the Republican National Convention and Donald Trump coming to Cleveland next week, we thought it would be interesting to look back when the party was here before.  The Republicans held conventions previously in Cleveland’s Public Auditorium in 1924 and 1936.  The ’24 convention was notable by being the first Republican convention to give women equal representation. The ’24 convention also considered whether to condemn the Ku Klux Klan but ultimately no action was taken.  The ’36 convention saw the “insurgent” candidate William Borah of Idaho lose out to Alf Landon of Kansas for the nomination.

For more information on the two previous Republican Conventions in Cleveland, I found two good articles (besides the Wikipedia links above) from Belt Magazine (on the ’24 convention) and (on the ’36 convention).  The Belt Magazine article is worth it for nothing else than to see 3 elephants on the street surrounded by people.