Legal Education Reform Resources in One Place

From the Carnegie Report to The Lawyer Bubble, legal education reform has been a hot topic in academia, the profession, and in the news for the past several years. Writing on the issue has started to pile up, making it increasing difficult to get an overall picture of the crisis.

Fortunately, a bibliography recently posted to SSRN by the Gould Law Library at Touro Law goes a long way toward gathering citations to the most salient books, articles, reports, and media coverage in one place. The bibliography starts with major books published within the past seven years, and continues with articles, reports, and news coverage. Reports are organized by organization (e.g., ABA) and by state and city bar reports. News articles are organized by topics such as two-year versus three-year education, experiential learning, and cost of education. It is the intention of the authors to keep the bibliography up-to-date.

See Laura Ross, Gould Law Library, Legal Education Reform Bibliography (last updated September 24, 2014). [Full text from SSRN]