This Just In: Two New Legal Research Overviews

If you’re looking for an overview of legal research that clocks in at well under 150 pages (you could skim that in an hour!) – here are two to choose from.

  • Impeccable Research by Mark K. Osbeck [Find it]
    Works with a five-step research strategy: 1) Formulate a research plan and generate search terms 2) consult secondary sources 3) search for primary authorities 4) expand and update case research 5) analyze and organize research results.
  • Real World Research Skills (2nd edition) by Peggy Garvin [Find it]
    Bases research on the traditional branches of government (legislative, judicial, executive), plus adds researching beyond Google, and state and international research.

Both books are available for checkout from room AO66.

Cover for Real World Research