Ohio Judicial Rating Site Incorporates Social Networking

You may be familiar with Judge4Yourself.com, which makes attorneys’ ratings of judicial candidates available to the voting public.   The site is created by four cooperating bar associations and is nonpartisan.  It aims to take the guess work out of selecting judicial candidates and end the “name game”, ie. voting for someone because they have a good political name.    The site contains ratings and bios on the judges running in contested races  in the May 4, 2010 primary election.

This year,  Judge4Yourself has a Facebook ( http://bit.ly/Judge4YourselfFacebookPage)and a Twitter (www.bit.ly/Judge4YourselfTwitter) account, where you can obtain up to the minute information on the candidates, make comments, ask questions and read others’ comments.    It is a great example of how social networking can benefit the courts.