Practical Law and Practical Guidance

Lexis and Westlaw both offer practical transaction help in their products through checklists, forms, and lots of useful information.

Practical Guidance is part of our Lexis subscription and can be very helpful for drafting. You can choose from 20 areas of practice and will find notes, forms, clauses, checklists, and articles all in one spot. Practical guidance has both browse and search features to help you find what you’re looking for. When searching, use terms and connectors or a natural language search with Lexis’ Google-like algorithm. This Lexis feature will be of particular help to students in upper-level classes, including drafting and clinics.

Practical Law on Westlaw provides legal know-how and practical guidance on a range of topics. In Practical Law, you’ll find helpful resources like standard documents and checklists, clauses, toolkits, practice notes, updates, and articles. Click through the links or use the search box to find relevant documents.