For Our Graduates

We at the law library hope we have played a small part in your success. After completing your studies at CSU|LAW, there are many ways in which you can continue to benefit from the library.

When the library is open, continue using its resources by applying for an alumni borrower’s card. You still will have access to important databases such as HeinOnline, Westlaw, and others from the public computers. Grads can also access our wireless network CSUGUEST.

While the library is closed, we are available virtually by email at, phone (216-687-6877), or chat.

Lexis Graduate Program

Graduates can continue using their law school Lexis ID for six months. No registration required.

Westlaw Graduate Access

You have access to Westlaw for six months after graduation. Your “Grad Elite” access provides 60 hours of usage per month with these products to gain understanding and build confidence in your research skills. You may not use it in situations where you are billing a client.


Go to; log in; use the drop-down menu by your name to go to Grad Elite Status.