Summer Associate Research Questions? We’re Here To Help

If you’re working a summer associate job, you’re likely to be tasked with various research requests. These are a great opportunities to showcase your research skills, as well as your organizational, writing, and soft skills. On the research side, we’re here to help!

We can  help you with –

  • Identifying good starting places like treatises and other secondary sources
  • Focusing and narrowing your research topic
  • Constructing searches in Lexis, Westlaw and other databases, including natural language searches, terms and connectors searches, and AI prompts (when this is an option)
  • Making sure your sources are still “good law” – think Shepard’s and KeyCite help
  • And more!

You can reach us at – 687-6877, or by chat. We can also set up a zoom research consultation for more in-depth topics.