Biden Issues Executive Order on Access to Contraception

photo of package of birth control pillsPresident Biden recently issued on Executive Order (EO) on Strengthening Access to Affordable, High-Quality Contraception and Family Planning Services.  The EO directs the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretaries to “consider new guidance to ensure private health insurance under the Affordable Care Act covers all Food and Drug Administration-approved, -granted, or -cleared contraceptives without cost sharing,” as well as “consider new actions to improve access to affordable over-the-counter contraception, including emergency contraception.”  The EO further directs the HHS Secretary to consider “new actions that expand access to affordable family planning services and supplies across the Medicaid program”; improve coverage and payment for contraceptives for Medicare beneficiaries”; and encouraging Federally-supported health care entities “to expand the availability and quality of contraception access.”  The EO also directs the Defense and Veterans Affairs Secretaries and Office of Personnel Management Director to “consider new actions to ensure robust coverage of contraception for Service members, veterans, and Federal employees.”  The EO has not yet appeared in the Federal Register – a future blog post will provide that link.