Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion Program Survives Veto Override Threat
The State of Ohio Medicaid Expansion remains intact. On 6/30/17, Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) line-item vetoed numerous items in Amended Substitute House Bill 49, the 2018-19 state operating budget. Item 16 was the “health care compact” provision that would have frozen enrollment in the Medicaid Expansion program. The freeze would have kicked 500,000 people off the program, because anyone who became temporarily ineligible because of a job would not be allowed back on. Ohio House and Senate Republicans had pledged to recruit a super-majority to override this particular veto, but recently backed down. However, the Republicans have overridden several of Kasich’s vetos, thereby restoring a prohibition on coverage of any new groups under Medicaid, a requirement of House and Senate approval before raising Medicaid rates, and a prohibition on lowering reimbursement rates for nursing homes. Barbara Sears, the Ohio Director of Medicaid is concerned that there will be lower reimbursement rates for hospitals and home medical services, and some home services may no longer be available for Medicaid recipients.