FDsys/GPO Access Online Resources: A-Z Resource list

From our friends at the Cornette Library, West Texas A&M University:

For more than 15 years, the Government Printing Office (GPO) provided online access to information from all three branches of the federal government via GPO Access. This information is now available on GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys). GPO Access will be phased out in mid-2011.

At this time, FDsys does not have an A to Z list of its online resources. Until then, you may use this page as a guide. This is a recreation of the original “GPO Access Online Resources: A-Z Resource List.” Now it reflects where some titles are located on FDsys. It also includes other items that GPO Access only linked to and where they can be found.

Our C-M Law Library’s online catalog, SCHOLAR also contains an electronic bibliographic record with a link to FDsys.