NAM Vital Directions for Health & Health Care Papers

National Academy of Medicine logoThe National Academy of Medicine recently made available an extensive discussion paper series on its Vital Directions for Health and Health Care policy initiative.  This policy initiative was predicated upon the following understanding:  The health system is strained by increasing demand and unsustainable costs.  Too often, care decisions do not align with patient goals or evidence of effectiveness, and Americans experience untenable disparities in health and access to care.  At the same time, new technologies and big data are spurring advances in medical science and the practice of care, including precision medicine.  Patients are increasingly empowered to take an active role in their health, and community innovators are designing new models that could revolutionize the delivery of care. Increasing emphasis is placed on population health, wellness and prevention.  These are the unprecedented challenges – and extraordinary opportunities – the new presidential administration must weigh as it charts the next steps for health reform in the United States.  Over 100 researchers, scientists, and policy makers contributed to the discussion paper series, addressing 19 priority issues concerning Better Health and Well-Being, High-Value Health Care, and Strong Science & Technology.  The “final paper” in the series synthesizes and prioritizes guidance from the full series.